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Glutathione Skin Whitening Side Effects and Cost | How Effective is Glutathione in Skin Whitening Glutathione

 is considered to be a miraculous skin whitening agent. So today in this video

 I made a detailed information on glutathione which will be very helpful for

 those who are actively looking for this skin whitening treatment.

 In this video we will discuss what is glutathione, how it is effective in 

skin whitening. As well we will talk about the side effects associated with

 the use of glutathione for skin whitening. Hello everyone. This is Doctor 

sohail from Derma One Clinic.


So today's video is going today I thought that 

I will make a detailed video on glutathione. We will discuss from what is

 glutathione and how is it effective in these skin whitening. We will also

 discuss the side effects associated with glutathione. Little bit we will

 discuss about the cost of glutathione.So the first question that comes

 to my mind when I think of glutathione is what is glutathione. So 

basically it is a peptide which is made from a combination of three 

amino acids.


 Now, how does it work? 

So it has got three actions that

 it does to cause the skin lightening. So first of all, as you all know

 it acts as a very potent antioxidant it quenches the free radicals

 formed in our body and thereby it reduces the aging of your skin.

Before we start discussing the whitening effect of the glutathione 

that is first discuss how the pigment in our skin is produced. So the

 pigment main pigment which is responsible for our skin color is 


There are two forms of melanin: 

eumelanin and pheomelanin.

These two pigments occur in different proportions to give us a 

different color of the Skin.So if somebody is having more pheomelanin

 then the skin color will be lighter. And if the person is having more

 eumelanin, then the skin color will be little darker. So what


 does is it reduces the formation of melanin pigment by inhibiting

 the most important enzyme in the pathway. Glutathione also causes the

 conversion of eumelanin to pheomean in. Thereby causing lightning of the


Coming to the sources of glutathione. Our body produces glutathione

 naturally our body has a most potent tax antioxidant inthe form of 

glutathione which helps us in winching the free radicals. Also, it 

can betaken in the diet from our different dietary sources for example,

 fruits and vegetables.

The dietary source of glutathione can become 

important because with age the natural body source of glutathione depletes.

 So to replenish and to make up for the loss of glutathione these dietary 

sources become very important. Now, let's discuss the Journey of glutathione as

 a skin lightening agent. 

Glutathione is a very old drug it is being used as

 an FDA-approved agent for conditions, like chemotherapy and chronic liver

 disease and Alzheimer's disease.

But for skin lightening its use has started 

very recently. It has been seen that patients with Alzheimer’s or chronic liver

 disease. They've been taking this drug for quite along period so the researchers

 also they observed that these patients also had the skin whitening as

 a side effect of taking glutathione. 

So from there we started the research 

on glutathione as a skin whitening agent.So now let's discuss how effective

 is glutathione as a skin whitening agent.

 Skin color in humans is divided into

 six grades on Fitzpatrick scale.The grade sare from 1 to 6. So grade 1 being the

 lightest and grade 6 being the darkest. Indian skin color usually you know falls 

between Grade 3 and grade 4. So glutathione as I've already told you glutathione

 is not a FDA approved skin whitening agent. The skin whitening that it causes will 

give you a difference of one to do shades, but it will not change your skin color 

from one grade on Fitzpatrick scale to the other. When we talk about the starting effect

 of glutathione. It'll give you a patchy effect in the beginning. Which will eventually

 lead to even tone and slightly lighter skin.Now let's talk about the different preparations

 of glutathione which are available in the market. So glutathione are is basically available in

 three forms in the market: oral injectable and topical. Topical form is least effective because

 the molecular size of internal is quite big and it is not able to penetrate into the skin.

 Oral form is also less effective than injectable form because of poor absorption and poor 

bio availability. Injectable glutathione is the most effective form of glutathione.There

 are new guidelines available for the use of glutathione as a skin lightening agent.

 There is a most commonly applied or used regime of glutathione in which glutathione injections 

are given on alternate days. This frequency is gradually reduced to once in two weeks injection.

 Once the desired skin color is achieved you can know always maintain glutathione for the maintenance

 purposes. But it has to be understood both by the patient and the doctor that glutathione free 

interval is required by the body. That is you cannot use the glutathione forever.Now coming to

 the most important and most frequently asked question for how long the result of glutathione will

 last. So basically the result will not last forever.We will have to use something or the other

 for the maintenance purposes. This also has to be kept in mind that glutathione free intervals 

are also required by the body.Now let's discuss about the side effects of the glutathione. 

Side effects can be short term or long term.Side effects are not many when it is used under

 the supervision of a qualified dermatologist.Short term side effects, like patchiness of

 skin color and loss of hair color can happen.There are no studies available to discuss the

 long-term side effects of glutathione.Coming to the cost of glutathione as a skin lightening 

agent. It is an expensive drugto be used as a skin lightening agent. At the end of this video,

 I would like to say that you should always undergo this procedure under the supervision of a

 qualified doctor.The aim of today's video was to give you a general or the basic information

 about glutathione.But if you want me to make any more videos on glutathione, please drop the

 comment inthe comment section below. We will make more such videos on the similar topics.

 Please like our video and subscribe to our Channel.

 see more on youtube

https://youtu. be/JsTTZ-tsEGc

https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=Y3ebgQFgKD4

https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=IDU2Z3Qscmw

https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=hdFfl5EQGdE



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